Dealing with a child with anxiety can be tough for any parent. The good news is there are many strategies you can try to help your child feel less anxious.

What can you do? Having honest and open conversations about how your child feels is a great place to start. Simply talking about feelings can make an enormous difference. Remind them about the support system that is in place – who they can go to apart from you for help and that they are not alone in this.

To really understand some of the practical steps you can take, it helps to understand biologically what’s happening inside their body. The stress response hasn’t changed much since caveman times and, when we’re faced with a stressful situation, our bodies go into fight or flight mode – stay and fight the sabre-toothed tiger or run. The stress hormones kick in to make it easier to do either of those options. Sugar levels in the blood rise so we have the energy to run, heart rate quickens, palms get sweaty, our focus sharpens – but all functions not essential to the job of running or fighting get put on the back burner. The effect is that sleep is often broken, digestion slows, the immune system is repressed, and appetite vanishes. After the stressful event passes, everything should return to normal. But for some children they stay in this heightened state. The more they worry, the worse they feel, so the more they worry. It’s a vicious circle.

How you can help:

  1. Try to ensure your child gets enough sleep. If getting to sleep is a problem, look at sleep hygiene in the same way you would take care of your own – no screens an hour before bed, Epsom salts bath, a little light reading or calming music before bed. You might also try calming teas like ‘night-time’ blends featuring chamomile and valerian.
  2. Encourage them to take time to rest, doing something they love to do to empty the stress bucket. Similarly, encourage exercise, which can be a great way to lift the spirits and boost energy levels.
  3. Keep enough healthy foods in the house so they don’t have to pick at sugar or junk foods, which spike blood sugar levels and ultimately lead to a crash in energy later in the day.
  4. A diet that balances blood sugar levels is one of the best ways you can help them keep calm and healthy. Base meals around a good source of protein like poultry, meat, fish, eggs, tofu and other plant-based sources like chickpeas, lentils and beans.
  5. Encourage eating plenty of omega 3-rich foods, as these are the building blocks of steroid hormones like the stress hormone cortisol. Find them in walnuts, chia and flaxseeds (these are great in protein balls and flapjacks) and oily fish like salmon, fresh tuna, trout, sardines, and mackerel.
  6. Try to ensure they have a good breakfast. Porridge or overnight oats with berries, nuts and seeds wins ahead of any cereal for releasing energy slowly and keeping them feeling fuller for longer. Or eggs / beans on wholemeal toast.
  7. Low levels of magnesium and vitamin D have been linked to increased anxiety symptoms. Nutritional therapy can help to address nutrient deficiencies by recommending a diet that is rich in nutrient-dense foods and supportive supplements.
  8. Support the gut-brain axis. Did you know there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain? The gut-brain axis is a two-way communication system that links the nervous system to the digestive system. When the gut is unhealthy, it can lead to anxiety and other mental health issues. Encourage ‘happy tummy foods’ like probiotic yoghurt and kefir to encourage the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
  9. A healthy gut also relies on a variety of different plant-based foods. That means plenty of fruits and veggies, pulses, nuts, and seeds. Some children are compliant when it comes to eating their veggies, but others might need more persuasion. Consider hiding extra veggies in their favourites if they aren’t so keen. It’s amazing how easy it is to add peppers, carrots and mushrooms cut up very small into a Bolognese or cottage pie!
  10. Food sensitivities can contribute to anxiety in children. For example, some children may be sensitive to gluten or dairy, which can cause digestive issues and anxiety. Nutritional therapy can help to identify and eliminate food sensitivities, so children experience a reduction in their symptoms.

If you are worried about your child’s anxiety, book a FREE 30-minute health and wellness session so we can chat about how I can help.

Best wishes


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